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Text File | 1997-10-08 | 2.3 KB | 85 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ## -*-Tcl-*- (install)
- # ###################################################################
- # Alpha - new Tcl folder configuration
- #
- # FILE: "switchTo.tcl"
- # created: 18/9/97 {2:52:46 pm}
- # last update: 8/10/97 {8:33:10 pm}
- #
- # Reorganisation carried out by Vince Darley with much help from Tom
- # Fetherston, Johan Linde and suggestions from the Alpha-D mailing list.
- # Alpha is shareware; please register with the author using the register
- # button in the about box.
- #
- # Description:
- #
- # Adds a 'Switch To' menu to Alpha's Utils menu.
- # ###################################################################
- ##
- alpha::extension switchToMenu 0.1 {
- menu::buildProc switchTo menu::buildSwitchTo
- menu::insert Utils submenu end switchTo
- } help {Adds a 'switch to' menu to the Utils menu}
- proc menu::buildSwitchTo {} {
- global switchApps
- menu -m -n switchTo -p menu::switchTo {"<O<I/NNow…" "Add…" "Remove…" "(-"}
- if {[info exists switchApps] && [llength $switchApps]} {
- foreach app $switchApps {
- lappend names [list [file tail $app] [file::getSig $app]]
- }
- foreach name [lsort -ignore $names] {
- set sig [lindex $name 1]
- if {[set p [lsearch -glob $names "* $sig"]] != -1} {
- addMenuItem -m -l "/\x1e s[icon::MenuFromSig $sig]" switchTo "[lindex $name 0]"
- } else {
- addMenuItem -m -l "blah" switchTo "[lindex $name 0]"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc menu::switchTo {menu name} {
- global switchTo switchApps
- if {$name == "Add"} {
- set fname [getfile "Pick an app:"]
- lappend switchApps $fname
- addDef switchApps $switchApps
- menu::buildSwitchTo
- } elseif {$name == "Remove"} {
- foreach app $switchApps {
- lappend apps [file tail $app]
- }
- set name [listpick -p "Remove which app?" $apps]
- if {[set ind [lsearch $switchApps "*$name"]] >= 0} {
- set switchApps [lreplace $switchApps $ind $ind]
- addDef switchApps $switchApps
- menu::buildSwitchTo
- }
- } elseif {$name == "Now"} {
- switchApp
- } else {
- if {[set ind [lsearch $switchApps "*$name"]] >= 0} {
- if {[catch {switchTo $name}]} {
- launch -f [lindex $switchApps $ind]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc switchApp {} {
- set procs ""
- foreach p [processes] {
- lappend procs [lindex $p 0]
- }
- set to [listpick -p "Switch to app:" [lsort $procs]]
- if {[string length $to]} {
- switchTo $to
- }
- }